Making sure our customers have the right plan and product for their specific conservation needs is our top priority.
That’s why you won’t find prices listed on our website or an option to order them online; we want to discuss your project and make sure you’re getting what will best fit your needs and budget.
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TUBEX® Standard Treeshelters
TUBEX® TREEGUARD™ Treeshelters
TREEGUARD plastic mesh tree guard tubes are suitable for the protection of evergreens which often grow too rapidly in an enclosed tree shelter, becoming top heavy and unstable.
The TREEGUARD meshes open structure allows air-flow, provides good drainage and natural temperature variations. It protects young trees from browsing animals (rabbits, hare, muntjac, roe, fallow and red deer.).
Moreover, the tubes are supplied with a moulded top lipping to prevent abrasion of the stem, and also helps to strengthen the tube and are made from recycled plastic.
Most suited to windy site conditions where herbicides are not used, users can benefit from TREEGUARD being designed to blend subtly into the natural environment.
TUBEX® Combitube Tree Shelters
Next to protecting your hardwood tree seedling with a TUBEX® Treeshelter, controlling grass competition and providing nutrition to the roots is your best assurance of fast healthy growth. As such, the VisPore Weedmat is the perfect solution for those individuals who will not be using herbicide
The seedling is most vulnerable during its early life stages at the roots. The unique construction of the VisPore Tree Mat allows rainfall and moisture to flow through the exclusive "micro-funnel" holes (more than 400 per square in.) while blocking 92% of the sunlight and preventing the establishment of competing weeds.
By controlling weeds, each seedling can access all the water, minerals and nutrients available in the soil. The mats generate a warmer temperature in the soil, creating an ideal environment for root growth.
VisPore® Tree Mats are an inexpensive alternative to costly repeated herbicide applications and provide 9 square feet of protection and are UV stabilized for 3 years of weed control.
VisPore® Tree Mat
Tubex® Combitube tree shelters are designed for more exposed sites where there is a greater contrast between growing conditions within the shelter and those without.
Tubex® Combitube tree shelter provides an improved micro-climate at the base of the shelter which results in better initial establishment of the tree.
Tubex® Combitube has a ventilated upper section of the tree shelter which enables the plant to acclimatize to external conditions improving trunk and root development.
Higher air moisture within the Tubex® Combitube Treeshelter reduces water stress and enables the plant to survive better in dry or drought conditions.
Ventilation is provided by a number of 4mm perforations in a set of 100mm deep bands at the top of the Tubex® Combitube tree shelter. 45cm of solid shelter at the base provides herbicide protection.
TUBEX® Nature Tree Shelters
As an alternative to plastic tree shelters, Tubex Nature is ideal for areas with dense woodland or limited access and is the most responsible alternative where collection and recycling is not practical.
Manufactured using a bio-based blend, including sugarcane, corn and starch, Tubex Nature Shelter can be left to degrade in situ and will, over time, start to degrade and breakdown into water and CO2 through a microbiological process.
The latest addition to the Tubex range is designed to perform, providing the same high levels of browsing protection and growth facilitation expected from Tubex products.
A robust twin-walled construction has been tested to perform with an expected 5-year service life whilst providing excellent light transmission to facilitate growth.
Tubex, the world leader in the development and manufacturing of tree shelters, has the product solutions that work. Today, Tubex tree shelters are considered the standard for seedling protection by foresters, wildlife managers and woodlot owners.
The twin-walled, solid, translucent tubes provide maximum protection from animal browse, wind, chemical sprays and equipment.
Each tree shelter has a laserline which is a perforated line that splits from the pressure of fast-growing trees and prevents strangulation - a Tubex™ exclusive.
In addition, the greenhouse environment created inside the shelter promotes growth.

How to Install a
Tubex Tree Shelter
Tubex, the world leader in the development and manufacturing of treeshelters, has the product solutions that work. Today, Tubex treeshelters are considered the standard for seedling protection by foresters, wildlife managers and woodlot owners.
How to Install a
VisPore® Tree Mat
The patented design of VisPore’s® one-way micro funnel allows water to travel through the mat to the soil. VisPore® traps the moisture and protects it from evaporation caused by sunlight and wind.
Questions? Get in touch.
We are here to help you select the right products for you conservation projects.